10 Jun 2012

Half Term Is Over

Around about a week ago, I started to have a conversation with Posh that went something like the other 9,9999 times we've had this conversation.

"Josh, can you get your unifom please"


"Josh, can you get your unifom please"


So now, of course, he comes down with this stinky pile, the day before he goes back to school for me to wash. My plans of a nailart day well and truly scuppered.

Which, you know, is nice.
But it's still worth it because half term is over!
No more Minecraft, Spongebob, endless hair straightening, bathroom commandeering, quilts on sofa and 12 glasses left in my lounge.
At least between the hours of 8 and 3.
I love him, but there's only so many times you can clean a glass coffee table before getting a bit, well, stabby.

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