17 Jun 2012

Lemon Sherbert Glitter Gradient Sequin Manicure

And the kitchen sink. Basically, I love the glitter.

Lemon Sherbert Glitter Gradient Sequin Manicure

Lemon Sherbert Glitter Gradient Sequin Manicure


  1. Can I pay you to come over to Ireland and do my nails?! :) great post Hun x

  2. Can't have too much bling! :)

  3. i REALLY like this! i have a lemon and always struggle with what to do with it but this looks really nice! xx

  4. It's a Revlon, and thin as water, so it needed cheering up a bit. It's supposed to have sparkle in it but is too faint, so I added my own..had to be done xx

  5. Replies
    1. Thankyou, and thanks for stopping by x
      ps. also looks awesome over white


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