15 May 2012

Thankyou Mammy Jane

Today a dear sweet girl called Mammy Jane I've come to know through our blogs made a post about me and it just made my day. She's going through exams at the moment, and been through a bit of a mad time with one thing or another, and for her just to take time out of her busy life and big me up so madly was so sweet of her.
She writes the most thought provoking posts, and adds a liberal dose of rockabilly and girly fashion and hair tips too, so visit her blog, Mammy Jane and hang around for a while.

She's a fucking rockstar y'all.

This is some nailart I did just for her, to say thanks, and I hope she likes it

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love it!! :) If I hadn't chewed off my nails in revising for exams I would be copying that polka dot (not artistic enough to do the great graphics you do).

    You are also a true legend! and thank you also for the shout out! Between us both we've made this day very bearable for me. Glad you've had a great feeling from it too!

    ((Hugs)) xx


I answer ALL comments and will usually check back to your blog if you have one. So leave a comment, suggestion, or just go in peace and enjoy your day