26 Apr 2012

How To Do Blossom Nails

I have been very 'wordy' lately, so here's a picture heavy post. 
Colours used; Rimmel Sky High and Matte Top Coat 
Barry M Blue Moon 
MUA Shade 12
Felina White 
Black nail art pen.

One coat of Rimmel Sky High

Half the Nail Painted With Barry M Blue Moon
Paint Little Squiggles With Black Polish

Drag the nail downwards with clear top coat

Take a clip or dotter and dip into the polish you want to do the blossom in

Go Back In With Black To Make Branches 
Slightly Messy But Very Easy Blossom Nails


  1. Wow really love this look. Now if i was to try this it would go everywhere!!

  2. Thanks! Just keep your dots and splodges as small as you can, and let the top coat drag them down. It does the work for you. Give it a go!


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