27 Apr 2012

Messing about with nail jewels

Neon Pink MAnicure With Jewels

Whilst perusing the aisles of a budget home store today, I found an absolute bargain.

Ready for the bin

A very worryingly named Pink Tease Nail Heaven Set. 
Sounds like a UK Living show. 
If that wasn't awesome enough, you also get a little wheel of jewels and Fimo. 
Risque names! 
I threw the box and its no doubt awful glue and polish straight in the bin and got a little bit giddy and proceeded to wear ALL the jewels at once

Illustration to show just how tiny the micro marbles are

This is why I'm not allowed to use nail accessories. I have no OFF switch

Polka Dots, Jewels and Fimo


  1. lol I have 3 daughters who would think your nails look wonderful! So.. therefore they do!

    p.s. if you're replicating then perhaps your index finger is a good 'template' lol x x

    I'm talking tattoo's today (again) as had a new one done yesterday.. check it out if you've not done so already! x x


  2. Awesome! |I'm a running over there!


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