14 Apr 2012

Spring Nail Wardrobe

 I asked God to send me a good nail polish. He sent me sticky, gloopy, eternally wet and impossible to work with.
 Must be something about neutral and dark pigments that mean they rarely perform as I want them to. Luckily Spring is here and all my favourite colours are bright and behave very well. 
In winter I have all kinds of time to spend flapping wet nails about and doing everything with my elbows, its called pampering. In Spring/Summer I want to briskly pop whatever matches the flip flops and be out of the house.

L-R. No7 Cheeky Chops Nails Inc Candy Orange 17 Orange Soda Barry M Shocking Pink Thumb is Orly Basket Case, but is in no fit state to be photographed. Is in rehab.

L-R 17 Supreme Shine Simply Pink Felina Ohlala (with no name) Rimmel Sky High InP (with no name) Barry M Blue |Moon NYC Polyestedr Pink Creme

The classic  French will always be my default nail when I'm trying to grow out my nails.


  1. Loving all those colours and I love reading your posts so I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award:)
    sara xx http://beautifulworldoflennynb.blogspot.ca/2012/04/my-versatile-blogger-awardalexandra.html

    1. NO WAY! *flaps hands around* WOW, I accept! I accept! *calms the heck down* Thankyou. What do I have to do?


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