16 Aug 2012

Our Summer Holidays

I lived in Yorkshire after my marriage ended, on the garrison town of Catterick, bordering Richmond for 8 years. During that time I made some of the best friends a girl deserves.

It is these friends, the memories of them and the fact that they are all just a short, if expensive train ride away that keep me going when times get rough.

So it was to my best friend for lifes house that Josh and I travelled for his birthday and a well earned break for me. BFFL has 5 babies of her own so to put us up for 2 weeks was no small thing, and though I'm sure she felt the strain, we had a wonderful time. The difference in Josh in the year since were last there, reflected in their reaction to him was apparent. Gone was the silly giggly whirl of destruction, and a much more sedate, shy, even boy was in his place. We just let him participate when he was ready, and he of course, stuck to BFFLs' daughter that he's known since before he could talk like a shadow.

My sister came for me on Saturday night and stayed over after a crazy night out

Richmond Village from the castle

Richmond Castle from above

I also spent the week after, with Josh at Redheads house. It was so nice, being around my niece and keeping house. We had a very 'mormon' week of being 'sister-wives' with me taking on the housekeeper role and she the breadwinner. Yes, I know its weird. We ended our week at Moss Side carnival, which was great fun as always, and the food was delicious.

Arriving back to Wythenshawe was quite a come down, especially as my eldest son moved his stuff out of home which means of course, he isn't coming back.
Niece and Josh waiting for Carnival to kick off

So to Oliver, good luck and love, and visit often.
To BFFL, thanks for having us
To Redhead, I do not know where I would be without you
To Josh, it's just you and me now.
You're wonderful.

Skimming in Billy Banks Wood


  1. I cried :-( love you. red head x

  2. Lovely...Good luck Oliver. I'm sure your mum's given you fantastic wings now you've flown the nest x

    1. The above comment was from me x

    2. Well thank you Mrs Moore xx

  3. Awww! What a beautifully written post x x x

    1. Really shoved it up there quick, wanted to get it out while the memory was strong xx


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