10 May 2012

Month Of Mayhem Elizabeth the First

It was having her Dads hair that saved her head. I tried to show her hand on the globe, as it was her hand that ruled the known world (trading world) as that is what any monarch would be infamous for, but an unmarried woman to do this is remarkable.
Not unique in world history but remarkable.
This couldn't help but bring on a Renaissance, where women, with a few right moves, were able to be upwardly mobile for the first time in history.
She was also a bit of a sauce in her early years, but soon knocked all that on the head when she got a really good job.
As most women do.
Good old liz.
Queen Elizabeth Face
Quite a worried looking Queen. Oops.

Crackle and oil painting Nailart
I would have to class the hand on globe and ER1 as a fail

Elizabeth Queen Of England Nailart
Was aiming for old oil paintings when they crack.
And if you have to explain it you haven't pulled it off 

"Those who appear the most sanctified are the worst"

        Elizabeth Regina 1

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