3 Jul 2012

Glitter Insanity Continues

Hi Guys!
I'm doing this on my laptop! It's the most exciting thing I ever bought. It's a white Sony Vaio, and that is about as 'spec' as I got. It's white, and I loved it at first sight. I have, however been using it just to watch Netflix in bed mainly, so today I thought I'd put it to good use and do something 'computery'..I do this for you, people.
You're welcome.
As the title may suggest,the glitter jelly thang shows no sign of abating. The good camera won't read my card however so thats why I've been absent for a while (nothing to do with watching a trillion documentaries on Netflix at all) but 3 weeks is too long, so I'm breaking rule 101 of blogging and uploading Blackberry photos.

I actually went out on the hunt for glitter. Seriously, that was the mission.
And they say beauty bloggers are shallow?
With good reason my friend, with good reason.

Speed Demon from Sallys, around £6.00 and will last me till I'm old and skeletal.


  1. Wow, this is GORGEOUS!! xxx

  2. isn't it..those 'indie' nail polish makers won't post to uk so I have to improvise..xx

  3. Love it!! so cute and girlie, very summery too.

  4. gee thanks! It's become an obsession xx


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