8 May 2012

Month Of Mayhem; Vivienne Westwood

sample of Vivienne Westwood designs

The lady who held a crooked mirror up to the silliness of fashion, put it on a tshirt and sold it to us. 
Have been in love with Westwood since I was a small thing, trailing around Manchester in my DMs from Red Or Dead and listening to Sex Pistols on my Walkman. 
I lust after the assymetrical striped jumpers and pirate boots, and toe footed pumps, and the Melissa winged wedges, and the bowling bags, and the..okay I'll stop.
She's always ahead of the game, never gratuitous, constantly improving and shes 71 years young.
 Here's to the flame haired genius, Vivienne Westwood.

I'm not trying to do something different, I'm trying to do the same thing but in a different way.

Vivienne Westwood

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